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Restez informés pour plus de détails!

Robert Déziel

Deputy Director chez Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) 

NSERC’s Research Partnership Programs- Introducing The New Vintage!


Jean-Marc Juteau

Commissaire chez Cité de la Biotech

The Biotech City- an integrative hub

Anne Marinier

Chercheure principale et directrice de la chimie mèdicinale chez IRIC et Professeur associée chez Université de Montréal


IRIC Medicinal Chemistry Platform: Enabling Drug Development in an Academic Environment

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Marc Janes

Senior Director-Business Development chez NuChem

Dr. Annie Castonguay

Professor chez Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie


Louis Vaillancourt

General Manager chez NMX Research and Solutions

Fragment-based Lead Discovery at NMX:  A Compelling Strategy for Academic-Industry Partnership

Normand Voyer

Director du PROTEO, Professor titulaire chez Université Laval

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Benoît Roberge-Vallieres

Spécialiste, développement des affaires-Ville de Quebec chez MITACS

Mitacs funding programs for R&D: Building partnerships between academia, industry and the world – to create a more innovative Canada


Joshua Pottel

President et CEO chez Molecular Forecaster

Accelerating Drug Discovery in Academia and Industry with Just a Few Clicks

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Katherine Borden

Professeur chez Université de Montréal (UdeM),  Chercheure principale, Unité de recherche en structure et fonction du noyau cellulaire chez IRIC  

Targeting RNA metabolism in Cancer: From the bench to bedside and back again

Many cancers are characterized by a decoupling of the transcriptome from the proteome. This enables the cancer cell to implement a wide variety of changes to the proteome quickly. The eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E provides a model system for such a strategy. Using a wide variety of methods ranging from NMR to clinical trials, we explore the utility and ramifications of targeting these pathways in the clinic by using a “bench to bedside and back" again approach.

Laurent Tillement

Attaché de recherche chez Servier Canada

Academic-Industry Partnership: the View from Servier Canada

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Charles Calmettes 

Professor chez Centre Armand Frappier Santé Biotechnologie 

Protein Structure Determination by X-ray Crystallography

©2019 par Symposium Partenariats Académiques Industriels (SPAI). Créé par Maria Denk

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